Welcome to
7th Woking
The 7th Woking Scout Group, founded in 1925, is located next to Woking Leisure Centre. It is a vibrant Group of over 100 boys and girls aged 4 to 14, supported by 25 uniformed adult and young leaders, across four sections: Squirrel Scouts, Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scouts.
The Group runs a very full and active programme for all sections based around traditional Scouting activities: hiking, camping, fire-lighting, cooking, kayaking, climbing, pioneering. The young people begin to learn scouting skills at an early age, building on these skills as they participate in camps and activities under the close supervision of the section leaders. In addition, all sections have a developed service programme that encourages the young people to take an active role within the Woking community.
The Group is supported in its activities by a Trustee Board that helps administer the Group, as well as providing resources through organised fundraising.
Parents and family members are encouraged to participate in the life of the Group, through Family Camps and other social events. The Group does also rely on parents to provide occasional assistance to the uniformed Leaders within each of the sections, and also with Group fundraising efforts. In the case of the Squirrel, Beaver and Cub sections, parents might be asked to help out at meetings or on trips. In the case of Scouts, particular help is needed from time to time to provide transport for activities, and in getting ready for camps.
The Group enjoys a close relationship with St Mary of Bethany Church, but welcomes people from all backgrounds, irrespective of faith or religion.